
Pranic Healing for Weight Loss

Are you struggling with your weight? You have tried so many ways to lose some pounds from your body but you could not see any result despite all the weight loss methods you tried. It seems  that none of the diet and exercise fit you.  Maybe it is the time for you to try the […]


Treating Insomnia with prana

We are familiar with the word insomnia. Some of us might suffer from this disorder and struggle to cure this disease. Insomnia is when someone gets a problem falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up early, and being unable to go back to sleep. Without proper rest, our body will become weaker, and our energy level […]


Treating Menstrual Pain with Pranic Healing

Menstrual pain is the pain in the woman’s lower abdomen. The symptom varies from throbbing pain to cramps. It is usually very intense, and the pain could interfere with daily activities in some women. The pain typically arises a few days before the menstruation, during the period, and it will get better after the period. […]


Treating Stress With Pranic Healing

Stress is a familiar term nowadays. Modern life is full of things that trigger stress. From the traffic jam in the morning that makes us stuck on our way to work to the pressure in the working place can induce stress. Stress is an ordinary condition that happens to everyone. Any changes or challenges that […]