
Basic Pranic Healing Course: What to Prepare

Congratulation! You have made a big decision in your life by joining the basic pranic healing course. You will spend two days exploring the amazing world of energy. As this is your first time learning about pranic healing, you might wonder what to prepare for on the big day of your life.

Below we list what to prepare before you join the basic pranic healing course.

1. Comfortable clothes: What to prepare for Basic Pranic Healing Course.

As you will attend a quite long training in, you need to wear comfortable clothes. Avoid wearing tight clothes as it will affect your blood circulation. Overly loose clothes are also not good for these activities.

You will spend your time seated and during the practice, you will stand up. Suitable clothes will help you to do the activities comfortably.

2. Light colored clothes

When you attend the Basic Pranic Healing Course, it is recommended to wear light-colored clothes. Light-colored clothes will affect your energy during learning. Black and other dark clothes is not recommended during these activities.

Some people prefer white clothes when for their pranic healing workshop.

3. A good scarf

You will need a good scarf during the basic pranic healing workshop. you will wear a scarf during the Twin Heart Meditation.

Please remember these things when you choose your scarf for a pranic healing workshop:

  1. The good material for your scarf during the Twin Heart Meditation comes from plants. Cotton will be good.
  2. Please do not wear a scarf made from animals such as leather and silk. This will affect the energy you receive during the meditation

 4. Open Mind and Heart

During the workshop, you will learn so many new things. Learning about energy can be overwhelming for the first-timer. You need to prepare your mind and heart to learn.

Please do not hesitate to ask your instructor if you find something unclear during the workshop. Your instructor would be really happy to help you learn. Feel free to discuss what you feel during the practice session with your instructor and other participants. The instructor will provide you with guidance so you can master basic pranic healing.

So, have you prepared for your basic pranic healing course? Oh, you haven’t registered yet? Contact Pranic Healing Ubud to get the latest schedule.

See you in the training soon!

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