Pranic Healing

Pranic healing is the art and science of utilizing life energy to heal the patient. This method has been around for centuries with different names through ancient civilizations. Ki, Chi, and Prana are some terms that refer to the same energy used to heal the sick.

The modern pranic healing that we know today is formulated by Master Choa Kok Sui. After intensive research and practice for over thirty years, in the 1980s, Master Choa Kok Sui created a systematic method to use energy to heal physical and psychological ailments. He is also known as the Master of Energies. He wrote 27 books about energy, healing, and spirituality. From his teaching, now there are thousands of pranic healers around the globe who serve people in need.

Basic Principles of Pranic Healing

The first principle of pranic healing is that the body is a self-repairing entity that can heal itself. The second principle is that life energy keeps the body alive and healthy. The human body consists of the physical body we can see and the energy body unseen by the naked eye. The energy body consists of energy centers or chakras that control the parts and organs of the physical body. Thus, the physical body’s condition can affect the energy body and vice versa. The energy can also affect emotion and the ability to handle stress.

Pranic healing uses the life energy or prana to treat the patient’s energy to accelerate the human body’s ability to heal itself to a certain level. Because the method treats the invisible body, no medication or touch is necessary for pranic healing. As the energy body could affect the emotion, a treatment to the energy body could also use to treat the psychological problem. Pranic healing is a holistic way to achieve a better life.

However, pranic healing is not a replacement for medical treatments. Pranic healing is used as a complement to orthodox medicine to accelerate the patient’s recovery.

Book your pranic healing session now.