
Pranic Healing in Indonesia

Pranic healing is one of the healing methods available in Indonesia. Do you know that pranic healing in Indonesia is considered a complementary therapy?

Pranic Healing in Indonesia as Complementary Therapy

The definition of complementary therapy is a therapy that supports the primary therapy by the medical professional. As a complementary therapy, pranic healing is never meant to replace medical treatment. Instead, it will help the patient’s recovery by restoring the balance of the patient’s energy.

When the prana returns to its balance, it will increase the patient’s energy. It would stimulate the patient’s ability to cure themself. Usually, after a session, patients will have their symptoms milder. Symptoms like headaches,  fever, and mild soreness are getting better in the first few sessions. With this, the patient will feel better and feel more comfortable. This will boost the ability of the patients to cure themselves. It will also promote the patient’s immune system.

The government of Indonesia acknowledges pranic healing as a complementary therapy. In Indonesia’s healthcare system, complementary therapy can be done in line with the main therapy by medical practitioners. Thus, we can find pranic healing clinics in some hospitals in Indonesia, especially in Bali.

This clinic is considered as a part of the health services provided by the hospital. With the main purpose of supporting medical treatment, pranic healing clinics have a significant role in serving the patient to achieve better health through a holistic treatment provided by the hospital.

Pranic Healing Clinic: Where to Find in Bali

When you are having your medical treatment in Bali and you want to have a better recovery with pranic healing, you can visit some pranic healing clinics.

Previously known as Sanglah General Hospital, Prof. dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah General hospital provides a pranic healing treatment on their premise. They opened the pranic healing clinic in 2019. Most of the healers in this clinic are also medical practitioners. Their clinic is located in Wing Amerta, 2nd floor.

Wangaya General Hospital is another public hospital that has integrated traditional medicine policlinic. One of the treatments offered is pranic healing. Their clinic is located in Praja Amerta Pavilion, 2nd floor.

Those are two public hospitals that offer pranic healing in Indonesia. If you don’t want to go to a hospital but would like to have a pranic healing session to boost your healing, why don’t you contact us in Pranic Healing Ubud and book a healing session with one of our therapists?

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