
Five Things You Learn in Basic Pranic Healing Course

Pranic healing is a powerful method to heal the body, mind, and soul. You can take a class in a pranic healing center near your place to learn this method. The Basic Pranic Healing course is the introductory course. What will you learn from this course? We bring you five things to know in the course below.

Feel Energy and See Aura

The basis of pranic healing is to use the life energy or prana to heal the body, mind, and soul. To know the energy is essential. At first, you will learn how to recognize the energy of your surroundings and environment. Feel the energy using your hands, and learn how to absorb and use the energy for your health. Later, you will practice feeling the human energy, and recognizing whether the energy in the body is depleted or blocking the chakra is the first thing to know. Once you can identify the energy, you will be able to cleanse the energy in your patient body. With this skill, you can project the energy and stabilize it.

Recognizing the aura is essential for a healer, so the participants learn to see the aura in the basic pranic healing course. You will practice seeing the aura of your instructor and your friend. The aura is interlaced with someone’s energy body, so by seeing the aura, you can determine the energy body state of the person. After you master this knowledge, you will learn another skill.

Cleanse the Body

In the Basic Pranic Healing course, you will learn how to cleanse the energy body. If you can feel the energy body of your patient, you can determine whether the chakra is depleted in energy or has too much energy activity in the chakra. Both conditions will cause an imbalance in the bioplasmic body. To fix this imbalance, you will need to cleanse the energy of the affected chakra.

Energize the Body: Five Things you will learn in Basic Pranic Healing Course

After cleaning the energy of the affected bioplasmic body, you will learn how to use your energy to restore balance. Energize the body after cleansing by projecting energy to your patient is one of the methods to achieve the balance of energy.

Projecting the energy is not the only way to energize your patient’s bodies and heal their energy bodies. There are several ways that your instructor will teach you.  Take the class and find other ways to help others using the energy.

Breathing Method

The founder of Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui, realize that breathing influence the human energy body. By breathing, humans will take the energy from their environment and absorb it. However, most people breathe ineffectively, meaning that the energy they take and absorb is not used efficiently by the pranic body.

In the Basic Pranic Healing Course, you will learn the effective way of breathing. By practicing this breathing, you will use the energy from the air you breath effectively. This method will increase your overall health as well as your healing ability.

Meditation on the Twin Hearts

Meditation on the Twin Hearts is a powerful method of meditation. Master Choa Kok Sui formulated this meditation after a long research. It activates two main chakras and will affect all chakras in your body.

Not only will this meditation help your bioplasmic body to be healthier, but it will also bless our planet as you will invoke the divine energy to bless the earth. You will learn about this meditation method in the Basic Pranic Healing Class.

So, are you interested to learn about the five things mentioned above? There are more things to learn on the Basic Pranic Healing Course. Becoming a healer is not as hard as you imagine. Schedule a class with Pranic Healing Ubud Center now.






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