
Treating Stress With Pranic Healing

Stress is a familiar term nowadays. Modern life is full of things that trigger stress. From the traffic jam in the morning that makes us stuck on our way to work to the pressure in the working place can induce stress. Stress is an ordinary condition that happens to everyone. Any changes or challenges that occur outside our body will affect the body to make a reaction, physically and mentally. We recognize this reaction as stress. Stress can be good for a short period, but it will harm our bodies if it’s persisted. Stress should be treated when it disturbs our activities. There are many methods to eliminate it. One way that you can try is treating it with pranic healing.

Energy Body and Stress

In pranic healing, stress means disturbance in the Solar Plexus Chakra. The solar plexus is the center of the emotion, where the negative energy accumulates. The accumulation of this negative energy will make the solar plexus chakra unable to function normally and make the aura gloomy.

The body will lose its shield when the aura becomes gloomy and unhealthy. Thus it becomes prone to diseases. With lesser protection to the energy body, bad energy will affect the energy body easily. As we know, any disturbance in the energy body will appear in the physical body. This energy disruption is the reason why people with stress get sick quickly.

Treating Stress with Pranic Healing

Treating stress with pranic healing is a way that you could choose from so many methods available. There are some advantages of this method. You will not need to take any medicine to treat your condition. You also can have your treatment done from a distance through distance pranic healing therapy.

At the beginning of the therapy session, your therapist will ask you some questions and then scan your energy body. They then start to treat the affected chakras. As mentioned previously, the solar plexus chakras are the ones affected the most by stress. However, this condition affects not only the solar plexus but also several chakras, such as the heart and the chakras in your head. If the symptoms affect your digestive areas, the healer will also treat the chakras that are related to the symptoms.

Treating stress with pranic healing will take several healing sessions. For most cases, three sessions a week are enough to help the patients, while in more severe cases, the patient needs to have a daily session for some time.

Suppose you have a stress problem and try to get a solution that not involve medication. Why not try treating stress with pranic healing? Book a session of pranic healing now.



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