
Treating Menstrual Pain with Pranic Healing

Menstrual pain is the pain in the woman’s lower abdomen. The symptom varies from throbbing pain to cramps. It is usually very intense, and the pain could interfere with daily activities in some women. The pain typically arises a few days before the menstruation, during the period, and it will get better after the period. Some methods relieve this pain, from heating pads to pain killers. However, there is an alternative way. Treating menstrual pain with pranic healing can be an excellent choice to relieve the pain.

The method of treating menstrual pain with pranic healing

In conventional medication, the doctor usually gives painkillers to menstrual pain patients. The analgesic will relieve the symptom and allow the patient to perform her activities without discomfort. In treating menstrual pain with pranic healing, the patient doesn’t need to take any medicine. The healing process is without touch or medication.

The pranic healer will have the patient’s energy scanned. The healer will find out the affected chakras of the patient’s bioplasmic body and focus on the patient’s lower abdomen. Still, the healer could scan the solar plexuses during the therapy session in more severe cases. Suppose the abdomen pain comes together with other symptoms, such as nausea and dizziness. In that case, the healer will scan other chakras related to the symptoms.

After they find the problem with the chakras, they will start the next step, cleaning the chakras. The healer will clean the affected chakras and give more attention to the sources of the pain in the lower abdomen. They do the cleaning without touching the patient’s body.

In treating menstrual pain with pranic healing, the healer needs to energize the affected chakra after carefully cleaning them. The treatment will take around thirty minutes for the severe pain and less for the less severe symptoms. Most patients will feel better in a short time after the healing session. Suppose the patient usually gets pain every month. In that case, the patient can have this therapy three days before her period to prevent period pain.

Do you want to have an alternative way to treat your menstrual pain? Pranic healing can be your choice in dealing with this pain. Book a therapy session now at Pranic Healing Ubud Center.

*medical information in this article has been reviewed by a medical doctor.

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