
Treating Insomnia with prana

We are familiar with the word insomnia. Some of us might suffer from this disorder and struggle to cure this disease. Insomnia is when someone gets a problem falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up early, and being unable to go back to sleep. Without proper rest, our body will become weaker, and our energy level will become low. This condition will affect our overall body and mental health.

People usually visit the doctor to cure insomnia and get a sleeping prescription. Besides conventional therapy, many methods are available to treat insomnia and get your energy back for better life quality. One of the methods you can try is pranic healing.

Treating Insomnia with prana in Pranic Healing

In pranic healing, every physical disorder manifests the imbalance in the energy body. Insomnia is not an exception. One of the causes of insomnia is the excess energy of the chakras of the bioplasmic body. Another reason for insomnia is emotional distress. Depending on the cause of insomnia, the treatment of insomnia is different.

When the excessive energy of the chakras is the cause of insomnia, the pranic healer will balance the energy in the patient’s body. Once the energy is balanced, the patient will easily fall asleep. This treatment will not take a long time.

If emotional distress is the leading cause of insomnia, the treatment will likely take longer. The emotional stress affected some chakras, especially in the upper body. The healer will treat the tension so the patient will feel more relaxed. Besides the treatment for stress, the healer will also treat some other chakras to balance the patient’s energy so that the energy flows will become smoother. The patient will become better in the first session. For better results, repeat the treatment three to five times a week.

Treating insomnia with prana is one of the treatments you could try. As pranic healing treatment does not involve touch and medicine, this treatment is a safe choice. If you have this sleeping disorder, why don’t you try to cure it with a holistic approach? Book now for a healing session at Pranic Healing Ubud Center.

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