
Human Body in Pranic Healing

Pranic healing has a strong relation to the human body. The human body in pranic healing is slightly different from what we know. There are two bodies in pranic healing: the physical boy and the bioplasmic body. The two bodies are intertwined and cannot be separated from each other.

Physical Body

The human physical body is the body we can see, touch, and feel with our five senses. We can observe some illnesses in this body with the naked eye, while more severe conditions will need modern devices to find out. The practitioner might use the medicine, physical therapy, or a combination of both methods to cure this body.

To nurture this physical body, people must have a healthy lifestyle. Not only do they need to eat healthy food, but also some physical activities. Good rest is also essential to maintain the excellent health of our physical body. Thanks to the advance in technology, we know a lot about this body, and we have enough knowledge to keep our body’s ability to support our life. However, we still do not know enough about another human body in pranic healing, the energy body.

Human Body in Pranic Healing: The Bioplasmic Body

In pranic healing, the human physical body is intertwined with the bioplasmic body. The bioplasmic body is also known as the energy body. It extends about 4 to 5 inches from the physical body and follows the shape of the physical body. This energy extension is called the inner aura. The inner aura is invisible, but a pranic healer can feel the aura. People with clairvoyant abilities can see the aura.

From the inner aura, there is a shield of energy that extend about two to three feet. This energy is called the health aura. A health aura is an energy shield to protect the body from illness and bad energy. When someone gets ill, the health aura droops and crumples, especially in the area affected by the disease.

As the physical and the energy body is inseparable, the two bodies affect each other. For example, when someone gets a sore throat, the energy body around their throat is also affected. The aura becomes weaker and crumpled. It also applied the other way around. When the energy body is weak, it will manifest in the physical body.

Like the physical body with some vital organs, the human body in pranic healing also has essential organs. It is known as the chakra or the energy center, rotating energy circles with a diameter of around three to four inches. It can get disturbed by the imbalance of prana. Too much or too little prana will bother the chakra’s function. Usually, the first illness appears in the energy body, then manifests in the physical body.

Do you have a complaint about your physical body but are unsure what the real problems are? You might need to scan your bioplasmic body and find out the cause. Meet our pranic healer in Pranic Healing Ubud Center to get your chakra checked!

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