
Chakra in Pranic Healing

The previous article talked about the human body according to pranic healing. Now we will discuss the bioplasmic body deeper. Chakras are vital parts of our energy body. You might be familiar with the seven chakras in the human body. Now we will discuss the chakra in pranic healing. The human body doesn’t have only seven chakras; it has plenty of them.

There are three categories of chakra in pranic healing: Major Chakra, Minor Chakra, and Mini Chakra. Major chakras supply energy to the vital part of the physical body. Its diameter is around three to four inches. Minor chakras and mini chakras channel the power to the less essential part of the human body.

Chakra in Pranic Healing: The Eleven Major Chakras

While other traditions usually recognize seven chakras, there are eleven important chakras in pranic healing. This different interpretation of the number of chakras does not necessarily mean that one of these traditions is wrong; instead, there are plenty of chakras in the human body. It is just a matter of recognizing the primary chakra. Please find the explanation below to make you more familiar with the chakra in pranic healing.

Root Chakra

The base chakra is located in the backbone’s base, giving energy to the entire physical body. It affects the whole body condition, internal organs, body temperature, and growth in young children. Healthy people have active base chakras, while sick people have a problem with this chakra.

Sacral Chakra

It is located in a pubic area. Any problem in this chakra will manifest into sexual organ problems. Impotence in a man usually occurs because his sex chakra’s function is disturbed.

Meng Mein Chakra in Pranic Healing

The location of this chakra is in the back, parallel to our belly button. This chakra is responsible for channeling the energy from the root chakra to other chakras above. Meng Mein Chakra also affects the kidney and adrenal glands. It also regulates our blood pressure

 Chakra in the Belly Button

Opposite to the Meng Mein Chakra, there is an  important chakra in the human belly button. This chakra affects the intestines, colon, and appendix. Problems in this chakra will manifest into digestion problems, constipation, appendicitis, and even hard labor in pregnant women.

Two Spleen Chakras

You might never hear about this chakra before. The location of this chakra is in the lowest left rib. This chakra supplies vital energy to the spleen and helps the physical body to purify our blood. There are two spleen chakras, the front, and back spleen chakras. This chakra is relatively small,  only about half to three-quarters of other primary chakra’s size.

Two Solar Plexus Chakra in Pranic healing

There are two solar plexus chakra, the front, and back. The front solar plexus chakra’s position is between the lowest rib joint—the back solar plexus located in our back, parallel to the front solar plexus. These two chakras in pranic healing process have a significant role. They are the center of energy processing, and negative energy could accumulate in these chakras. It will affect the pancreas, liver, and diaphragm. To a certain degree affect the intestines, lung, and heart.

Two Heart Chakras

There are two heart chakras in pranic healing tradition. The same as the solar plexus and spleen, the two chakras are in parallel position—the front heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. This chakra have a powerful connection with solar plexus chakras. As the solar plexus chakras are sensitive to emotion, the heart chakras will also be affected by emotion. Heart and blood circulation problems indicate the problem in these two chakras.

Throat Chakra

In the middle of the throat, there is a throat chakra. This chakra gives energy to the throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, and lymph glands. When the throat chakra interrupted, it will manifest as sore throat, goiter, and other diseases related to the throat and neck.

Ajna Chakra

This chakra is very popular. Some people refer to this chakra as the third eye. The location of this chakra is between the eyebrow. This chakra is very powerful. Treatment and energy given to this chakra will affect the whole body.

Forehead Chakra in Pranic Healing

There is a chakra on our forehead. Forehead chakra in pranic healing controls the pineal glands and nervous system. When this chakra gets a problem, it will manifest in the body as neurological diseases and epilepsy.

Crown Chakra

In the crown of the head, there is the crown chakra. This chakra influences our pineal glands, brain, and our entire body. The treatment given to this chakra will affect the whole body. This chakra controls all other chakras in our body and harmonizes the movement and function of all chakras. If all chakras are in harmony, the physical body will be healthy.

According to the pranic healing tradition, those are the eleven major chakras in the human body. Do you in feeling the chakras in the human body? Why don’t you register for our basic pranic healing courses at Pranic Healing Ubud Center? Check the schedule here.


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